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Clairfield’s Outlook 2020 focuses on changes in M&A over the past 15 years


Clairfield International is pleased to announce the publication of our Clairfield Outlook 2020, a look at what’s on the horizon in M&A. As part of our celebration of 15 years since the founding of Clairfield, this special edition focuses on what has changed in sector activity since 2005—and we also take a good look at how the M&A process has developed over the last 15 years.

We are also pleased to feature thought leadership pieces and sector outlooks from our brilliant colleagues and clients:

  • Impact investing consultant Bettina Gereth and CEO of Impact Partners Mathieu Cornieti discuss environmental, social, governance issues.
  • Patrick Siegenthaler, founder of ESK Education, explains issues in the study-travel sector.
  • Founders of Jupiter Group, Mark and Yvonne Tweddle, explain the changing dynamics of the fresh produce industry.
  • Carlo Perrone, director of B2B for Engie Italia, shares his thoughts on the past 15 years in the energy industry.
  • Lena Regovin, digital health and life sciences research analyst at Start-Up Nation Central, looks at the future of digital health.
  • Paolo Limonta, CEO of Limonta Group, discusses textiles, synthetic turf, and football.
  • Stephane Salies, founder and CEO of Boss Industries, explains some of the mystery behind cyber intelligence.


“We are very happy to have taken the occasion of our 15-year anniversary to look at developments in various arenas over the last 15 years,” says Alexander Klemm, executive chairman of Clairfield International. “It was fun and illuminating for all of us to reflect on changes in M&A since 2005, as aptly summarized in the article by our partners Brian O’Hare and Filippo Guicciardi, and see how much we and the sector have progressed.”

Read it here: Clairfield Outlook 2020

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