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Nos services

We are proud to maintain long-lasting relationships with our trusted clients and the network of Belgian entrepreneurs and family businesses that are vital to the Belgian economy.

We have a special focus on two important pillars of Belgian business: family offices and private equity companies.

Sélection de transactions

Brewery Huyghe, known for the iconic Delirium and a leading Belgian brewery with four generations of family tradition based in Melle, acquired Het Anker, a historic family brewery and distillery based in Mechelen.

Consumer & retail

Drapeau Belgium


Advisor to the buyer

Brewery Martens, Belgium’s largest family-owned brewery, acquired United Dutch Breweries (UDB) from GIMV and management.

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Consumer & retail

Drapeau Belgium Drapeau Netherlands


Advisor to the buyer

Dossche Mills, a Belgian producer of wheat flour and bakery ingredients, acquired Mühle Rüningen, a German producer of flour and grain-based products since 1312.

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Consumer & retail

Drapeau Belgium Drapeau Germany


Advisor to the buyer

Circles Group was sold to Optio Group, a leading global managing general agency (MGA) specialising in specialty insurance solutions, backed by Preservation Capital Partners.

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Financial Institutions

Drapeau Belgium Drapeau Luxembourg Drapeau UK


Advisor to the seller

BCOH was sold to Optio Group, a leading global managing general agency (MGA) specialising in specialty insurance solutions, backed by Preservation Capital Partners.

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Financial Institutions

Drapeau Belgium Drapeau Luxembourg Drapeau UK


Advisor to the seller

Adveo, a French supplier of business and office supplies, sold Adveo Benelux, a wholesaler and distributor of business and office supplies, to PBS Holding AG.

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Consumer & retail

Drapeau Austria Drapeau Belgium Drapeau France


Advisor to the seller

GALERIA Karstadt Kaufhof and The Economic Stabilisation Fund (WSF) sold INNO SA/NV, a Belgian department store chain, to INNOvative Retail BV, a newly established company jointly owned by Axcent of Scandinavia and SKEL fjárfestingafélag.

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Consumer & retail

Drapeau Belgium Drapeau Germany Drapeau Sweden


Advisor to the seller

Etex, a global building material manufacturer and pioneer in lightweight construction based in Belgium, acquired SCALAMID, a manufacturer of modern and innovative façade fibre cement boards, from Poznan-based company Pozbruk in a carve-out transaction.


Drapeau Belgium Drapeau Poland


Advisor to the buyer

Belgian Mobile ID, known for the leading Belgian app for digital identification, authentication, and signing Itsme, acquired nextAuth, a KU Leuven/imec spin-off, providing secured end-to-end authentication using strong public key cryptography.

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Tech, software & digital

Drapeau Belgium


Advisor to the buyer

Flèche vers la gauche
Flèche vers la droite

Informations de contact


Adresse :

Sneeuwbeslaan 20, 2610 Antwerp

Téléphone :

+32 (0)2 669 08 75


Adresse :

Avenue de Tervueren 252, 1150 Brussels

Téléphone :

+32 (0)2 669 08 75

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