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Countries Picto chevron

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2AST, a French manufacturer of power generators, completed a primary majority LBO with Isatis Capital.


Drapeau France


Advisor to 2AST

Versowood Oy, a Finnish forestry company renegotiated its EUR 80 million senior debt portfolio.


Drapeau Finland

Debt advisory

Advisor to Versowood

DRK-Kliniken Nordhessen in Kassel was sold to Helios, the largest European hospital group, out of insolvency proceedings.

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Drapeau Germany


Advisor to the seller

Clairfield Belgium provided debt advisory services to the shareholders Brewery Martens. Brouwerij Martens was founded in 1758 and is the second largest brewery in Belgium engaged in the development, production, distribution and sale of private label beer as well as their own beer brands.

Consumer & retail

Drapeau Belgium

Debt refinancing

Advisor to Brouwerij Martens

Clairfield advised management and led the transaction in the MBO of Nationwide Hire Ltd. Management were backed by private equity firm Livingbridge with acquisition finance and working capital provided by Clydesdale & Yorkshire Bank.

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Business services

Drapeau UK


Advisor to the buyer

IDE Systems, a supplier of temporary power equipment for events, construction  work and facilities management companies, completed an MBO with the backing of Santander.

Business services

Drapeau Spain Drapeau UK


Advisor to IDE Systems

Mountain Express Oil Company completed a debt recapitalization led by IberiaBank.

Business services

Drapeau US


Advisor to Mountain Express Oil Company

Axender is distributor of flyers and door-to-door newspapers in the Netherlands, where it reaches 6.1 million addresses every week. The company was restructured and refinanced, with a new investor joining the group of shareholders. Clairfield in the Netherlands advised shareholders and management in this process.

Tech, software & digital

Drapeau Netherlands

Strategic advisory

Advisor to Axender

Terrafame, a fully-owned subsidiary of the state of Finland, acquired Talvivaara Mining Company plc., a mine that uses a bioleaching process to produce mainly nickel and zinc.

Energy, cleantech & resources

Drapeau Finland


Advisor to the buy side

Impack, an investment group, acquired OTICR, a printed-packaging company.


Drapeau France


Advisor to the buy side

Aretè Capital, a holding group offering managerial skills and financial resources to companies facing changes or important challenges, acquired OCEM, specialized in the production of lighting systems for airports and electronic power converters for physic laboratories, through bankruptcy procedure.


Drapeau Italy


Advisor to the buy side

The Works, discount retailer of books, arts & crafts, toys, games and audio-visual products, performed an MBI.

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Consumer & retail

Drapeau UK


Advisor to The Works

Linido is market leader in the Netherlands in the market of moving & handling and bathing solutions for elderly and disabled people. Clairfield in the Netherlands acted as advisor to management in the buyout, in which Berk Partners joined as private equity provider.


Drapeau Netherlands


Advisor to Linido