Clairfield advises Van der Luyt Transport on its sale to De Wit Transport
Van der Luyt Transport, a perishable goods transport company, and Van der Luyt Selfstorage, separate business unit of storage boxes leasing, were sold to De Wit Transport.
Van der Luyt Transport is a Dutch family business that focuses on transport of perishable goods, mostly cut flowers, plants and flower bulbs. The goods are transported to Switzerland and the United Kingdom, facilitated by the company’s own custom department. Also included is Van der Luyt Selfstorage, which is a separate business unit that leases storage boxes to businesses and customers.
In July 2018 both companies were acquired by De Wit Transport. De Wit is a family business as well, offering transport of goods (including flowers and plants) to France. With the acquisition both companies will continue their respective transporting activities whilst benefiting from a shared location.
Clairfield has advised the shareholder of Van der Luyt Transport and Van der Luyt Selfstorage during the transaction process.
Business services


Advisor to the seller
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